Yes, I worked in business software consulting and can affirm that people in my industry, too, do not want to hear the plain and simple truth, regardless of the implications of doing so. Photo by Floriane Vita on Unsplash A VP outsources software development to a distant country for pennies on the dollar, saving their organization millions of dollars over hiring domestic engineers and project managers. Years later, he comes to me for some extra work, requesting bug repairs and additions. I advise them of the significant, major defects in the software caused by the cheap outsourced contractors' ignorance of (or disregard for) domestic laws, regulations, or third-party service conditions, weaknesses that put personal customer information and payment information at risk of leak. Is there any chance that VP would be grateful to me for pointing out these flaws in a project he oversaw, the "savings" from which he received a large bonus, probably the cause for his promotion to ...
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